While I mentioned in my article about the D.C. riots that I was not totally convinced of voter fraud, I do have some concerns over the Senate Run Off in Georgia. Due to it being upstaged by Wednesday’s events in D.C., no one is really discussing the conclusions of those races, and I think there is something amiss with the results.

Do your own research (You can do that by clicking here) and take notice of the vote totals and percentages from the General Election versus the numbers from the runoff. Pay particular attention to the totals Perdue received and the totals the Libertarian Candidate received in the general. I am using Perdue’s totals just as an example, I am sure the other senate race holds a similar trend.

As you’ll see, there are over a half million votes that were cast from the general election that didn’t make it to runoff election. Perdue’s vote totals are over 260,000 less than he received in the general election, and Ossoff only realized a 150,000 drop off. Admittedly, runoff elections generally see a slight fall off in turnout, but half a million less voters is more than significant…especially in a hotly contested race such as this…

I’m not saying something is sketchy here, but something definitely ain’t right either.

Now, let’s look at the Libertarian candidate numbers in the general and attempt to place them somewhere in the runoff. There is 0% chance that every one of those libertarians who voted in general would skip the runoff. While there are left leaning Libertarians out there, a significant majority would never vote for a liberal candidate who would increase the size of government. Increasing the size of government, in and of itself, is anti-libertarian…which is why I say that the majority would never vote for a big government democrat. I digress… so, if only 60% of the original Libertarian voters voted in the runoff (which is probably a very conservative assumption), then you could reasonably assume that at least 90% of them would vote for the conservative over the liberal candidate. In raw numbers that equates to roughly 50,000 votes for the conservative candidates.

In addition, when pressed, GOP voters are historically more predisposed to a greater turnout than their liberal counterparts. All of those factors added together make me scratch my head when looking at the results of Tuesday’s run off election. I don’t understand how the conservatives, who had over a 130,000 vote lead in the general could gain votes from Libertarians in the runoff, and lose the election. It doesn’t make sense.

Based on the info I included above, and the historical markers in runoff elections, it is a rarity for a candidate who had less votes in the general election to win the runoff.  Again, I am not saying it’s impossible, but it is historically improbable.